Saturday, April 12th
Year 2, let’s go! Assemble your squad and get ready to party this Spring. 🌴
Cash Prizes for the RX Podium and so much more!
Stay tuned for more vendors and prizes are coming soon. 😎

Same-Sex Teams of 3 for RX and Scaled
$210/team - Includes competition t-shirt if registered before March 12th
RX Standards:
*All teammates must be able to perform
Barbell Cycling up to Male: 155lbs Female: 105lbs
Dumbbell Movements Male: 50lbs Female: 35lbs
Toes to Bar
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Bar Muscle-ups (at least 1 athlete)
Handstand Push-ups
Double Unders
Wallballs Male: 20lbs Female: 14lbs
Box Jump Variations Male: 24'“ Female: 20”
Scaled Standards:
*All teammates must be able to perform
Barbell Cycling up to Male: 115lbs Female: 85lbs
Dumbbell Movements Male: 35lbs Female: 20lbs
Knees to Chest
Chin-over Bar Pull-ups (at least 1 athlete)
Single Unders
Wallballs Male: 14lbs Female: 10lbs
Box Jump or Step-up Male + Female - 20"
Athlete check-in: 7:30 AM.
Athlete briefing: 8:00-8:15 AM.
All schedule details will be released by the Thursday before the competition date.
3 Workouts and 1 Floater